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PASCA membership

Storkcom joins the Purchasing Supply Chain Atlantic Center

Published on 16 January 2024

Storkcom joins PASCA

Partenaires Storkcom - PASCA

We’re delighted to have joined the Purchasing Supply Chain Atlantic Pole this year: the cluster of expertise and professional network in the Pays de la Loire region, working to develop an innovative, competitive and sustainable local supply chain.

As soon as we met the PASCA team, we immediately identified a number of synergies:

📦 Supply Chain, of course, a shared area of expertise, particularly through the digitization of supply chains

🌊 the Atlantic, of course, with a strong presence in the West, and many shared customers, such as Chantiers de l’Atlantique

🌍 but above all their involvement in a subject close to our hearts, the CSR approach, and their support approach towards a sustainable Supply Chain.

Not to mention the fact that PASCA is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year!

In short, it was an obvious choice!

Don’t hesitate to follow their news and events: